Regular human and animal nutrition contains fertilizer, insecticides and antibiotics residues. Moreover food colouring and flavouring agents are added.
So you will understand that this cattery is offering food that as much as possible imitates the natural situation; raw or slightly heated meat, poultry, day-old chicks and fish, sometimes with cooked and securely chopped vegetables and rice.
There's no life on earth without sun - this applies both to us and to our pets.
Cats must be able to go outside, be it in a protected environment. At least cats must be able to collect direct sunlight through a window or door opening, fenced of by a screen.
Building Resistance
A sound resistance provides protection against attacks by all diseases. But it's the body that has to build up this resistance. That's why we, in case of any disease, appeal as much as possible to alternative medicine, such as homeopathic therapies.
Furthermore our vaccination policy is to vaccinate periodically, so no cocktails.